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Network of clinical laboratories designed and implemented a strategy to double its EBITDA in 3 years

Chile has a mixed healthcare system, where different financing entities, insurers, and providers coexist in both the private and public sectors. In this context, we supported a network of clinical laboratories and sample collection centers with a strong presence in Chile that aimed to aggressively grow in the national market. We worked together to understand the business situation and design a robust strategy to reach its full potential and double its EBITDA in 3 years.

Following the strategy design, we worked on implementing 4 key initiatives:

  • Development and execution of a commercial plan to double sales, using advanced analytics.

  • Design of a new business model including the go-to-market strategy.

  • Organizational restructuring, including changes in structure, roles, responsibilities, profiles, and governance system.

  • Implementation of dashboards to track management and enhance business management, including 35 key performance indicators (KPIs).

After 4 months of implementation, our client had put a significant portion of the adjustments into operation and was on track to double its EBITDA.

If your company is considering working on a growth and profitability strategy to reach its full potential, contact us.

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